Buzz - Portfolio
Open Access and Research Conference 2013: Discovery, Impact and Innovation
Paula Callan, Stephanie Bradbury, Sarah Brown, Philippa Broadley, Emma Nelms and Christopher Hart report on Open Access and Research 2013 which focused on recent developments and the strategic advantages they bring to the research sector.
23rd International CODATA Conference
Alex Ball reports on a conference on ‘Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet’ held by the International Council for Science’s Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan on 28–31 October 2012.
Gold Open Access: Counting the Costs
Theo Andrew presents new data on the cost of Gold OA publishing at the University of Edinburgh.
Motivations for the Development of a Web Resource Synchronisation Framework
Stuart Lewis, Richard Jones and Simeon Warner explain some of the motivations behind the development of the ResourceSync Framework.
Launching a New Community-owned Content Service
Caren Milloy describes some of the challenges overcome and lessons learned by JISC Collections during the development of JISC eCollections.
Kultivating Kultur: Increasing Arts Research Deposit
Marie-Therese Gramstadt discusses how the JISC-funded Kultivate Project is encouraging arts research deposit in UK institutional repositories. -
The Informatics Transform: Re-engineering Libraries for the Data Decade
Liz Lyon proposes that libraries re-position, re-profile and ramp up their engagement with research data management, scholarly communications and citizen science.
Mike Jones, Simon Price, Nikki Rogers and Damian Steer describe the rationale, aims and progress of MyMobileBristol, highlighting some of the challenges and opportunities that have arisen during the project. -
Piloting Web Conferencing Software: Experiences and Challenges
Julian Prior and Marie Salter report on their experiences piloting Elluminate Live! at the University of Bath. -
Locating Image Presentation Technology Within Pedagogic Practice
Marie-Therese Gramstadt contextualises image presentation technology and methods within a pedagogic framework for the visual arts. -
Share. Collaborate. Innovate. Building an Organisational Approach to Web 2.0
Paul Bevan outlines the National Library of Wales' development of a strategic approach to meeting user needs in a post-Web 2.0 world. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
To VRE Or Not to VRE?: Do South African Malaria Researchers Need a Virtual Research Environment?
Heila Pienaar and Martie van Deventer identify the requirements of a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for malaria researchers in South Africa. -
Data Preservation and Long-term Analysis in High-Energy Physics
Richard Mount reports on the First Workshop on Data Preservation and Long-Term Analysis in High-Energy Physics, held at DESY (Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron), Hamburg, Germany, on 26-28 January 2008. -
Get Tooled Up: Staying Connected: Technologies Supporting Remote Workers
Having considered organisational issues in her previous article, Marieke Guy takes a look at the many technologies that support remote working, from broadband to Web 2.0 social networking tools. -
New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies
Grainne Conole reflects on the implications of Web 2.0 for education and offers two new schemas for thinking about harnessing the potential of technologies. -
Digital Lives: Report of Interviews With the Creators of Personal Digital Collections
Pete Williams, Ian Rowlands, Katrina Dean and Jeremy Leighton John describe initial findings of the AHRC-funded Digital Lives Research Project studying personal digital collections and their relationship with research repositories such as the British Library. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
South African Repositories: Bridging Knowledge Divides
Martie van Deventer and Heila Pienaar provide us with background to recent South African repository initiatives and detail an example of knowledge transfer from one institution to another. -
Exploiting the Potential of Blogs and Social Networks
Gill Ferrell reports on a one-day workshop about Blogs and Social Networks, held in Birmingham in November 2007. -
Progress Towards Addressing Digital Preservation Challenges
Helen Hockx-Yu reports on the 2nd Planets, CASPAR and DPE annual conference, held on 5-6 September 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal. -
The KIDMM Community's 'MetaKnowledge Mash-up'
Conrad Taylor reports on the KIDMM knowledge community and its September 2007 one-day conference about data, information and knowledge management issues. -
The JISC Annual Conference 2007
Philip Pothen and colleagues provide an overview of the proceedings of this Spring's JISC Annual Conference. -
Google Challenges for Academic Libraries
John MacColl analyses the reactions many academic libraries may be having to the range of tools Google is currently rolling out and outlines a strategy for institutions in the face of such potentially radical developments. -
The (Digital) Library Environment: Ten Years After
Lorcan Dempsey considers how the digital library environment has changed in the ten years since Ariadne was first published. -
Looking for More Than Text?
Balviar Notay and Catherine Grout give an overview of developments in digitisation programmes, on-line delivery services and specialised search engines which cater for searching and locating still images and time-based media and consider the issues that surround their use, focusing particularly on JISC developments. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
The JIBS Workshop on Resource/Reading List Software - the Reality
Frances Boyle reports on the one-day workshop on the current state of play in the Resource/Reading List software market, held at the SaÔd Business School, University of Oxford, on 9 September 2004. -
Public Libraries: Weblogs: Do They Belong in Libraries?
Penny Garrod takes a look at weblogs and weblogging activities in libraries and considers some of the ways they can be used to support public library users. -
The OpenURL and OpenURL Framework: Demystifying Link Resolution
Ann Apps reports on a conference about current and future uses of the proposed OpenURL Framework Standard Z39.88-2004. -
MIMAS Ten Years on
Julia Chruszcz looks at the ten years of MIMAS as a JISC-designated national data centre. -
Another Piece of Cake?
Anders Ardö, Sigfrid Lundberg and Ann-Sofie Zettergren with an overview of the history of Netlab, now ten years old. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Subject Portals
Judith Clark describes a three-year project to develop a set of subject portals as part of the Distributed National Electronic Resource (DNER) development programme. -
The Future Is Hybrid: Edinburgh
John MacColl and Philip Hunter report on 'The Future is Hybrid' project day in Edinburgh. -
A Policy Context: eLib and the Emergence of the Subject Gateways
Derek Law and Lorcan Dempsey outline some of the features of the policy environment which led to the setting up of the influential 'subject gateways' as part of the UK Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib). -
EEVL News Nuggets
Brian Kelly reports on the use of third-party web services. -
Web Cache: Clashing with Caching?
Ruth Jenkins explores some cache related issues for Library and Information Services -
Lyndon Pugh argues there are signs we are hung up on multi-skilling... -
SKIP: Skills for New Information Professionals
Penny Garrod reviews the Skills for new Information Professionals project -
Information Services: A Mission and a Vision
Les Watson asks how we use technology in general as part of the learning process, in this extended version of the main article in the print version of Ariadne -
Planet SOSIG: The New SOSIG Interface
Tracey Hooper describes the new interface and features of SOSIG, the premier Web-based subject gateway for the Social Sciences. -
The Librarian of Babel: The Key to the Stacks
The Librarian, ably assisted by Mike Holderness, considers one of the obstacles to the unhindered dissemination of human knowledge, and makes a modest proposal. -
Interface: Jane Core
Chris Bailey discusses librarians and learning with Jane Core of EduLib. -
SOSIG: Training to Support Social Science Teaching and Research
Lesly Huxley, the SOSIG Documentation and Training Officer, describes the workshops that SOSIG, one of the projects from the Access to Network Resource section, run. -
Emma Wright put on her woolies and went to Preston to report on the annual JUGL (JANET User Group for Libraries) conference. -
CURL OPAC launch
Andrew Cooper describes the CURL OPAC launch in Manchester. -
EduLib: The National Network of Electronic Library Accredited Trainers
EduLib is an eLib project from the training and awareness section of the programme. Jane Core describes the project, and how it will affect librarians in the Higher Education community.