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'Pre-data Library Era':

Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians - collecting 'people' statistics for military and tax purposes

5-yearly census conducted by Romans

Year 0, A.D.

7th Century 'Senchus fer n'Alba' - translated as the 'Tradition of the men of Alba'

1086 - The Domesday Book - an inventory of land and property in England ordered by William the Conqueror.

1666 - Quebec Census

1703 - Iceland Census

1768 - Spain Census

1790 - USA Census

1801 - First UK Census

1841 - enumerators used

1941 - Central Statistics Office (CSO) set up in UK
1967 - UK Data Archive
1971 - Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor
1981 - First IBM PC

'Post-data Library Era':

1983 - Edingburgh University Data Library
1993 - CERN releases WWW
1996 - CSO becomes the Office for National Statistics

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