Web Magazine for Information Professionals

The Future Is Hybrid: Manchester

Jim Strom and others provide streaming video of some of the sessions from 'The Future is Hybrid' day in Manchester held in February 2001.

This page provides links to five multimedia presentations from the Hybrid Library event in Manchester, held on the 20th of February 2001. Thanks to Jim Strom and associates for making these multimedia materials available to Ariadne.

If you have RealPlayer configured to launch when you click on a realvideo resource (.ram; .ra, .smi, etc), then clicking on the links below should start the player and the presentation (after a shortish delay).

You will need real player (version 7 or 8) to view them. A free copy of’ the player + browser plug in is available from www.real.com (look for the ‘free’ player rather than the version that costs money). The video streams are available with the slide presentations, and are synchronised. The sections are bullet pointed so that you can jump to particular points in the presentation.

Users should note that the streams come in at speeds around 500 to 900 kilobits per second. Both of these speeds are pretty fast, and the slowest stream is still ten times faster than a 56k modem will be able to handle. Users with a direct connection to the internet should have no problem with these streams, but other users will not be able to access these streamed presentations.

Both Ariadne and Jim Strom would be interested in feedback about these presentations.

Morning session:

Headline Project presentation: http://khalibar.mcc.ac.uk:8080/ramgen/Hybrid/Headline/Headline.smi;
Hylife Project presentation: http://khalibar.mcc.ac.uk:8080/ramgen/Hybrid/HyLife/HyLife.smi ;
Question and Answer session: http://khalibar.mcc.ac.uk:8080/ramgen/Hybrid/Q&A/Q&A1.smi.

Afternoon session:

Stephen Pinfield’s presentation on Hybrid Libraries and the DNER: http://khalibar.mcc.ac.uk:8080/ramgen/Hybrid/DNER/Pinfield.smi;
Second Question and Answer session: http://khalibar.mcc.ac.uk:8080/ramgen/Hybrid/Q&A/Q&A2.smi.


Alternatively, if you have problems with this method, you can view the clips directly from the Real Video player by missing out “:8080/ramgen” and changing “http” to “rtsp” in each line, and entering (for example):
“rtsp://khalibar.mcc.ac.uk/Hybrid/DNER/Pinfield.smi” in the location window.


Materials put together by:

Jim Strom
Project Director: Advanced Telematics Centre
University of Manchester